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iSAY Chaa'KaH
"Customs" Lived Out LOUD in Community

Big Levi HVAA

Why the Name AhaYaH?
Credit: Hebrew Readers

DISCLAIMER: Sha'Kori does not hold the copyrights to this video given unto Hebrew Readers Church.  Nor, hath Sha'Kori Repatriated Any of its Membership back to their ORIGINAL Country; being YaShaRahLa KINGDOM CommonWealth, Nor is there any Affiliation Between YKC. SAY, AND HRC; Video is STRICTLY Used For AWAKENING of Yi'SraeL Gentiles, ONLY!!!!



In the Beginning...


40 "Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land. 41 But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt, 42 That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. 43 And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow places of the river. 44 For the most High then shewed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over. 45 For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth"

                                                                                    2nd Esdras 13:40-45

iBri Abar'Rishoni AmaruKhan InDios Peoples, birthed forth of AntiQuitY, having a Rich Ancient RoYaL Bloodline heritage stemming from AbraHam, IsaaC, and JaCob, through Adam, ORIGINATING in our Ha'MaShiacH YaSha-ImmanueL via the other side of Eternity: To Wit, this generation and every generation hereafter, are persuaded to reconnect with our Qa'DasH KINGDOM Chaá'KaH: Laws, Statutes, Commandments, and Ordinances; Language, SpirituaL and NaTuraL Health and Dietary Traditions, Dress and Other Artistic CulturaL Expressions; Children, Family, and Community Traditions, Development, and Sustaining thereof; Commerce and Inter National Relations, et al., ALL Others, in accordance with our Qa'DasH Books –Two Witnesses: Bible (Scrolls) and Stick of Joseph/Book of Mormon (Gold Plates), and ALL Revealed Hidden Books, thereto; righteously operating and doing KINGDOM business unto the return of our soon-coming King YaSha-ImmanueL in accordance with JerReMiaH 29:7, SeLaH!

"And Seek the ShaLam "Peace" of the City Whither I "KING AhaYaH" hath Caused You to be Carried Away Captives, and Pray unto Your CreaTor KING AhaYaH for it: for in the ShaLam  thereof Shall Ye Have ShaLaM!"





Immersed in the Qa'DasH Order of Melchizedek, after Yi'SraeL's soon

coming King YaSha-ImmanueL, as well Adam, AbraHam, IssaC, JaCob, and ALL Righteous Ancient Ones in between and thereafter, to whom the Righteous Laws, Commandments, Statues, and Ordinances were given;

"We, the RoYaL House of Yi'SraeL" remain governed under the immutable Laws of our

Sovereign KING AhaYaH, as ORIGINALLY purposed, for Righteousness sake unto the exaltation of the ONLY KING over Yi'SraeL and HIS KINGDOM in Earth as it is in HeaVen, SeLaH!


In accordance with Psalms "91 and Numbers 15:38-40, We, The RoYaL House of Yi'SraeL" are fully persuaded to be clothed in modesty, adorning ourselves with earth tone garments, feathers and fringes, with blue borders; woman refraining from wearing that which pertain to men, and men NOT wearing that which pertains to women;

In addition, we  aspire to keep our eye, ear, and heart gates in tuned with that which is righteous and pleasing to our Sovereign KING AhaYaH; ensuring our Artistic Expression remains the "Light' of the World -DEVOID OF DARKNESS, being quick to repent if we fall short, SeLaH!

Our ORIGINAL Ibri "TONGUE" consists of approximately twenty-two pictorial consonants; having each letter being a picture with profound meaning pertaining KINGDOM Chaa'KaH empowering and fueling steadfast obedience to our Sovereign KING AhaYaH and HIS KINGDOM rule;

Innerstanding, in times past disobedience separated our Ancient Ones NOT only from our Sovereign KING, but from our TRUE Identity, Language and Customs thereof, To Wit, for Righteousness Sake, "We, the RoYaL House of Yi'SraeL" are persuaded to restore, SeLaH!


"We, the RoYaL House of Yi'SraeL" being fully persuaded ONLY Righteousness exalts a Nation "Peoples"; thereto, how can two walk together unless they're agreed, hath consecrated our lives unto our KING AhaYaH; purified by SpirituaL and Water Immersion, thus committed to LIVE OUT LOUD in community –in DAILY repenting, practicing humility, love, charity, and forgiveness, righteousness, justice unto the building of KING AhaYaH's KINGDOM in Earth, as it is in HeaVen. ..Ergo, that which is NOT tolerated in the KINGDOM of HeaVen, SHAN'T be tolerated in HIS KINGDOM in Earth, WITHOUT thought or compromise, SeLaH!

We, the RoYaL House of Yi'SraeL" hath been persuaded in order to have optimum relationship with our Sovereign KING AhaYaH, "Temple Matters!"

As Such, much like the Essene, we DO NOT eat flesh, inclusive of meat, fish, eggs, dairy, et al., ALL others, whose life remains in the blood; NOR do we take pleasure in wines and liquors; essentially eating plant based foods: fruits, nuts, vegetables, sprouted breads, herbs, et al., ALL Others (Genesis 1:29-30; Ezkiel 47:12; Psalms 104:14, Deuteronomy 8:7-8), SeLaH!

Further, convicted our body is our Qa'DasH Temple, we strive to keep our bodies healthy, choosing natural healing over pharmaceutical, NOT to partake in drugs; having sex in the confines of Qa'DasH Matrimony ONLY: One Man + One Woman + KING AhaYaH, unto earthly transition, we do part (Revelation 22:2), SeLaH




NATION: YaShaRahLa KINGDOM CommonWealth "NaTion of Yi'SraeL":




NATIONALITY: iBri Abar'Rishoni AmaruKhan InDios


PSALM: All I Need Is My KING


SCRIPTURE: JeremiaH 1:10


ELEMENTS: EerKodeshoi


FRUITS: Olives, Pomegranates


FLOWER: The Lilly


TREE:  Oak


BIRD: The Dove




COLORS: Purple, Red, White, Light Colors, Earth Tones




Luke 19: 13 admonishes, "We, the RoYaL House of Yi'SraeL to conduct KINGDOM business until the return of our King YaSha-ImmanueL; Therefore,  ALL earthly works, inclusive of earnings from Babylon, are consecrated unto our Sovereign KING AhaYaH for the building up of HIS KINGDOM in Earth as it is in HeaVen, SeLaH!

Restored in
  fulfillment of
     1 Nephi 1:20;
           2 Nephi  1:5


I Have Set Watchman on                        Your Walls, SeLaH!

Aha.  YaQaR.  NaKaR.

Shami YaShaRáLa AhaYaH AhLaHaYa NaWa AhaYaH Ahchaad...


MARK 12:30-31...

Sha'Kori Peoples Aha our CreaTor KING AhaYaH with ALL Our Heart, Soul, Mind and Strengths; Honoring Our Brethren as Ourselves and Respecting ALL Creation as the Very Breath of Our CreaTor KING AhaYaH, Ba Ha'Shem YaSha-ImmanueL, Ah'Ma Ru'WacH Qa'DasH, SeLaH! SeLaH! SeLaH!

                        COMMANDED HIGH QA'DASH DAYS

New Year/New Month/Spring Qa'DasH Day                     PassOver Communion Night

M-rch 2nd 2024 (Exodus 12)                                       M-rch 15th 2024 (Exodus 12,

Our Sovereign CreaTor KING AhaYaH                                         Leviticus 23:5) (1st Men's In Gathering)                                      

hath DECREED this month the FIRST                                        An ETERNAL Memorial which commensurate the                                      

Month of the Ibri Year, SeLaH!                                          PROPHESIED crucifixion/atonement of Yi'SraeL's "FirstFruit" MaShiacH, YaSha-                                                                                                  ImmanueL; As well, Yi'SraeL's REPATRIATION back to their ORIGINAL KINGDOM 

Celebration of Unleavened Bread                                       Governance under the SOLE SOVEREIGNTY AND RULERSHIP  OF KING AhaYaH;

M-rch 16th -M-rch 22nd (7 Day Celebration,                      Thereto, COMMANDED severance from Egypt/Babylon-being hasatan's unlawful  

Celebration 1st Day: M-r 16th-17th, 2024;                           compelled world-wide citizenship; FOREVER REMEMBERING KING AhaYaH's 

7th Day: M-r 22nd-23rd, 2O24). (Leviticus 23:6-8)            STRONG ARM OF DELIVERANCE that COMMANDED Heaven's Death Angels to

An ETERNAL Memorial that commands Yi'SraeL's                 PassOver ALL Yi'SraeL's Blood stained doorposts –SMITING the first born (child

EXODUS/REMOVAL from innately sinful Babylon/Egypt,                 and animals, alike) of ALL Egypt; Thereto, signifying KING AhaYaH's undying Ah'Ha

citizenry; leaven being the symbolic stench of serving two            "LOVE" for HIS Chosen Elect and HATRED of hasatan's kingdoms of this world, SeLaH! 

Kingdoms, therewith, a real time symbolism of sin.  ALL                       

leaven "sin" is to be removed from Yi'SraeL's households              Celebration of Firstfruits (Early FirstFruits/Sheaf of Grain Offering)

for seven days –purging self, households, and KINGDOM of             M-rch 17th 2024 (Leviticus 23:9-14; Numbers 28:26-31; 1 Corinthians 15:21-23)

AhaYaH, spiritually and naturally by cleansing/REMOVING             An ETERNAL Commandment given unto Yi'SraeL in REMEMBRANCE of Ha'MaShaich

oneself from SIN; Specifically, Babylon/Egypt Citizenry,                  YaSha-ImmanueL; being Yi'SraeL's "FirstFruit" atonement unto KING AhaYaH; Thereto,

DEPENDING solely on KING AhaYaH's sustenance, unto the              ALL of Yi'SraeL is commanded to bring the "FirstFruit" of their household to the

return and reign of YaSha-ImmanueL, SeLaH!                             Tabernacle of the Congregation, as a burnt offering, together with grain and drink                                                                                            offerings –constituting a whole meal: (Meat) fruit/vegetables, bread, and wine, SeLaH! 

Celebration of Weeks (2nd Men's In Gathering)

M-y 4th 2024 (Exodus 34:22), Latter FirstFruits               Summer Qa'DasH Day/New Month

An ETERNAL Memorial that commensurate the giving of                J-ne 1st 2024

Torah to Yi'SraeL, being seven weeks after Yi'SraeL's EXODUS

from Egypt/Babylon and Repatriation/RETURN to their ORIGINAL.     Fall Qa'DasH Day/New Month-Blowing of the Trumpets

KINGDOM/Country, a time of REFLECTION and RENEWAL of our.        A-gust 31st 2024 (Leviticus 23:23-25)

EVERLASTING Commitment to our Covenant; as well, marking the.     An ETERNAL Memorial announcing the coming of YaSha-ImmanueL to make war

beginning of wheat harvest, SeLaH!                                            AGAINST the enemies of His KINGDOM; thereto, the CHOSEN ELECT of Yi'SraeL -     

                                                              Gathering the Qa'DasH Remnant from the four corners of the earth, out of the     

Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:27-28)                             heathen nations we've been scattered unto jubilation of His soon-to-come Reign,     

S-ptember 9th 2024                                                            SeLaH!

An ETERNAL Memorial in commensuration of Nation of Yi'SraeL's

HIGHEST QA'DASH DAY "Atonement of YaSha-ImmanueL" for the sins  Memorial of Tabernacles (3rd Men's In Gathering) (Leviticus 23:34)

of Yi'SraeL; Him alone paying the penalty for the sins of the People    S-ptember 14th -S-ptember 21st 2024 (8 Days Memorial: 1st Day

of Yi'SraeL; bringing reconciliation and redemption for the TRULY     S-ptember 14th-15th; 8th Day S-ptember 21st-22nd)

REPENTANT of Yi'SraeL; observed as a day of repentance, self-         An ETERNAL Memorial in commensuration of KING AhaYaH's 40-YEARS EXODUS

denial, forgiveness, prayer and fasting, SeLaH!                              Provision and Protection in the wilderness; marking the completion of fall harvest;

                                                              as well, our SOVEREIGN KING AhaYaH's continual provision and protection.  ALL of

Winter Qa'DasH Day/New Month                             Yi'SraeL is commanded to set aside servile work, dwell in tents/booths -reminencing  

N-vember 30th 2024                                         on the GREATNESS of our KING and REDEMPTIVE Benevolence thereof, returning                                                                                             Yi'SraeL to our ORIGINAL KINGDOM/Country DEVOID of Egypt/Babylonian Citizenry;

                                                              To Wit, Yi'SraeL can FREELY Worship our KING and walk in unwavering conviction 

                                                                                        of the UNADULTERATED TRUTH of our Sovereign IMMUTABLE KING AhaYaH's WORD,


Screen Shot 2021-02-21 at

Our Ancient Ones SPOKE Hebrew on these COVENANTED LANDS.


Research Guy is the Creator of Video.. He is NOT a Sha'Kori Repatriated VesseL NOR affiliated with YKC et al., ALL Others

I Hate, I Despise Your Feast DaY, and
I will NOT smell your solemn assemblies.  Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will NOT accept them; NEITHER will I regard your peace offerings of your fat beasts (Amos 5:21-23),

Mountains and Lake

***Sha'Kori Doesn't Own Rights to KINGDOM Song*** 

Epic Movie Scene From Green Pastures 1936

Big Levi HVAA_edited_edited.jpg
"YaShaRàhLa KINGDOM CommonWealth's Sovereign KING hath brought again Zion.  KING AhaYaH hath redeemed "We, HIS People,
YaShaRaL, According to the Election of Reprieve", which was brought to pass by Trust and the covenant of our fathers, KING AhaYaH hath redeemed HIS Chosen People; And hasatan is bound and time is no longer.  KING AhaYaH hath gathered all things in one, KING AhaYaH brought down Zion from above.  KING AhaYaH hath brought up Zion from beneath.  the earth hath travailed and brought forth her strength; And TRUTH is established in her bowels; And the HeaVens smiled upon her; And She is clothed with the splendor of her KING; for KING AhaYaH stands in the midst of HIS Chosen People.  SPLENDOR, and HONOR, and POWER, and MIGHT, be ascribed to YaShaRàhLa's sovereign KING AhaYaH Ba'HaShem YaSha-ImmanueL Wa Ah'Ma Ru'WacH Qa'DasH, for HE alone if full of Benevolence, Justice, Sha'Lam, and TRUTH, SeLaH!"
                                                                                                                                                YKC QA'DASH D&C 84:99-102 NATIONAL ANTHEM

3D Tabernacle | Messages of Ha'MaShaicH

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